2/2 Reading (Job 22-24; 2 Timothy 1)

Job 22: Third cycle begins. This time, only Eliphaz and Bildad speak followed by Job’s responses. Here we see Eliphaz speak for a third time.

It’s interesting to note that in the first part of this chapter, he accuses Job of doing terrible social injustices to others. He is accusing him of things that we as the reader how no idea if they are true. He accuses Job of taking money from others for no reason, stealing people’s clothes, not giving people water when they need it, etc. Here’s what the notes from the NRSV says about this part: “He must mean that, since Job is suffering for some cause, and since the cause cannot be found in any wrong that Job has done, his sin must lie in what he has failed to do” (p. 748).

Eliphaz then suggests that even though they can’t see Job’s sins, God still can because God can see everything. Eliphaz ends his third speech encouraging Job to return to God and seek his forgiveness. To repent for his ways.

Job 23: The next two chapters focus on Job’s response to Eliphaz. Here’s what the notes in the NRSV says about this chapter: “In ch 23 Job is concerned mainly with himself and his sense of how inaccessible God is to him” (p. 749).

Job starts this chapter expressing his desire again to be able to directly speak with God. He wants the chance to argue his case before God himself. He believes that God will hear him out and not be mean to him. Yet, Job complains that no matter where he goes and where he looks, God isn’t there to listen to him. Job says again that he is not become a sinner, he has continued to follow God and do his bidding. Although he has argued that he has done no wrong and he wants to speak directly with God, he still expresses his fear of God.

Job 24: Here’s what the notes in the NRSV says about this chapter: “In ch 24 his concern is with others, especially the innocent poor, who seem to be neglected by God. If he could gain access to God, he would be vindicated; but he despairs of ever receiving such vindication, since God plainly does not hold regular times for judgment when wrongs are righted (24.1)” (p. 749).

Pretty much Job spends this chapter poking holes in Eliphaz’s argument, telling of several examples of injustices in the world and how sinners still live and prosper. If Eliphaz’s arguments were actually valid and true, this wouldn’t happen.

Introduction to 2 Timothy: Honestly, not much to say here on this front. Just that there is disagreement on if Paul actually wrote this letter.

2 Timothy 1: This starts in a similar fashion to all of other letters. Paul provides a greeting and offers prayer/thanksgiving. Paul tells Timothy not to be afraid of what he has been given from God. He needs to embrace and guard what has been entrusted to him.

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